Monday 4 May 2015

There Are Always Consequences For Your Actions – Mother Arrested Her 10-Yr-Old Son

This 10-year-old had been misbehaving
Police officers stage fake arrest to help a mother with a misbehaving son in Columbus, Georgia, USA.
Chiquita Hill a mother of 10-year-old Sean decided to take pre-emptive action and enlisted the local police force to stage a mock arrest. “Sean, was misbehaving in class, being rude and disrespectful, not listening, talking back, not doing his school work. His 5th grade teacher even came to Hill’s house to speak with Sean, but her words went in one ear and out the other. I knew I had to do something to shock him,” Hill said.

She called the police, explained Sean’s behavior, and they agreed to send officers to her home to stage a mock-arrest
She called the police, explained Sean’s behavior, and they agreed to send officers to her home to stage a mock-arrest. When the officers arrived, they handcuffed the boy and put him in the backseat of the police car for about five minutes. When Sean was let out of the car, he went running to his mother.
When the officers arrived, they handcuffed the boy and put him in the backseat of the police car for about five minutes
Sean gave me the biggest hug and said, ‘I’ll never do it again.’ I just wanted to scare him, not to harm him. I want him to understand that there are consequences for his actions. I’m glad I did this. I understand he will act out, he’s a pre-teen. He will be going through changes as he gets older, but I want to stop it now before he gets older.
I just wanted to scare him, not to harm him. I want him to understand that there are consequences for his actions
Since his arrest his behaviour has changed dramatically for the better. I’ve been keeping in contact with his teacher and they’ve been giving me reports. Parenting does not come with a manual. I raised my son the best way I know how so he can be a productive member of society. I want to get him off right before he gets older because I don’t want him to go to jail.”

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